Full Stack Developer

Are you looking for a well-rounded Software Engineer who is motivated, adaptable, and has a passion for clean, readable, and performative code? Look no further!

I'm a City University of New York graduate with a Bachelor's of Science in Economics and also a graduate of General Assembly's software engineering program.

I have proven expertise in Javascript, TypeScript, Python, Node, React, SQL and NoSQL databases and I have a deep understanding and curiosity of what it takes to build scalable, efficient software.

Recent Work

MERN Project - Jobd

Take your job search to the next level. Save job details like interview status, location, type of job, and more. Keep track of each job status easily, filter and sort for specific jobs you've applied to, see job application statistics, and visualize using bar graphs and area charts so you can job search more effectively. Deployed using render.com

TypeScript + React Project - Mock Gym Website

This is a TypeScript and React website I built using Vite, react-hook-forms, and tailwind. Deployed on cloudflare.

MERN Project - GrantGuide

Worked as a software engineer on a partnership project between the US Govt and General Assembly that uses open source government data to help state, local, tribal, and territorial governments navigate potential grant opportunities enabled by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Was deployed on Heroku but no longer supported.

Python, Flask, postgreSQL, Jinja - Unlocking Communities

Runner up to the International Aid Hackathon. Worked on a cross functional team of UX Designers and Data Scientists to develop a fast, lightweight application for the C-Suite that delivered data on water filtration distribution in Haiti.

MERN Project - nextDate

Collaborated with developers using SCRUM methodology to design and develop a full stack MERN application that enables users to meet, date, and connect with people. Implemeted TicketMaster API to help users create date plans.

Python, Flask, Jinja, and PostgreSQL - Boxd

Built ecommerce website with Python, Flask, Jinja, and PostgreSQL. Designed backend models, built out model associations, wrote logic for all database queries and served data to front end

JavaScript, EJS, Express - NYC Realty

Built full stack application with full CRUD capability utilizing RESTful routes(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE). Implemented MVC architecture while building app following best practices.


Used JavaScript to create game logic so mines are distributed randomly throughout the board each time game is played. Created UI using JavaScript DOM manipulation, HTML, and CSS to give users immersive visual and auditory experience


  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Python
  • Flask
  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose

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